This is a re-creation of a 1979 text adventure for small computers. In 1979, most affordable personal computers did not have a lot of memory. One of t …
In a puzzle comprising of different faces, with the touch of your finger move the faces left, right, up or down to form a pattern of three similar fac …
曾經風靡一時的水果機,又名老虎機,終於在Android平臺上登場了。遊戲風格清新、放松,玩家可以隨時隨地玩上一局,試試運氣,看能贏多少個遊戲幣!遊戲包括了水果機和老虎機兩種模式,喜歡哪個玩哪個,快來贏取金幣吧!硬取金幣或者輸掉金幣,都會得到相應的評價。Keyword: slot fruit rela …