Global positioning systems (GPS) for all our vehicles and Global system for mobile communications (GSM) have made traveling an easier option and explo …
ECKey Bluetooth readers let you use your phone as your key and now you can manage your ECKey EK6 or EK7 readers from your phone or tablet. For owners …
This Android App provide to you receive push notifications from from Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) also known as Kettle.You need use android push not …
Description: Unsure of how your monthly EMI payments are applied to outstanding loan? Looking for a tool that helps you manage all your Mortgage loans …
Ringer Manager is a simple to use and an effective application to control the ringer on your phone. With Ringer Manager you pre-set the weekdays and t …
OpenPGP Manager is an encryption client for Android, capable of:* Create/import/export/publish/search PGP keys* Send/receive encrypted mail with Gmail …