The features on our app include; Our Event Calendar, social media outlets, business solutions, click to call, whiteboard animated commercials, our cli …
CLIPitc is an app specifically designed for Green Industry professionals. With this app you can track times easily and see all your company informatio …
Start “Cliple” today“Cliple” is an abbreviation of “Clippable”, meaning you can capture and upload any web images.“Webcliple” is a tool which allows y …
Multimediální aplikace s omezeným přístupem určená k vizualizaci závěrů klinických studií. Aplikace je zaměřena na interaktivní edukaci odborné lékařs …
ClipPair is an app that can transfer text stored on the clipboard between two iOS devices. It uses Bluetooth, so does not require Wifi or an internet …