A mermaid has found a new coral reef in her mystery treasure journey, but she had not realized that there are full of underwater sharks. Skillfully sw …
Swim to the ocean depths with this Shark Wallpapers.Shark wallpapers features a variety of shark species.Watch the sharks on all of your screen device …
Best Shark Wallpapers backgrounds!This is an amazing collection of beautiful Shark Wallpapers wallpapers!If you enjoy Shark Wallpapers probably you wi …
內容介紹 : [게임 설명] 더욱 더 강력해진 놈이 왔다! 전편보다 더욱 넓어진 바닷속 맵!!! 20가지 이상의 새로운 생물. 배고픈 상어를 조종하여 다양한 먹이를 잡아먹으며 성장하고, 해저에 잠겨있는 10가지 물건을 획득해 보세요~ [ 게임특징 ] - 중력센서와 화면 …
內容介紹 : Welcome to Android Hungry Attack Shark! Hungry Attack Shark well-known species such as the great white shark, tiger shark, blue shark, mako sh …
White shark, tiger shark and hammer shark are the most dangerous and hungriest sharks of the world. Thanks to this new amazing Live Wallpaper, it is p …