WordStock is a home screen widget, which helps in improving user’s vocabulary. It displays certain number of random words repeatedly. Their meaning ca …
One of the most important things to learn a new language is definitely the vocabulary and English language could not be the exception. Learning many w …
One of the most important things to learn a new language is definitely the vocabulary and English language could not be the exception. Learning many w …
There are 164 grammar schools in England most of them set Verbal Reasoning tests as part of their selection process, 50-75% of the verbal reasoning qu …
Practice your vocabulary with Voc4u. With its simple learning techniques or with simple memorization games. It can be used anywhere, such as on the tr …
Do you want to improve your English vocabulary? Learn more English words for free with the Kaplan English Vocabulary Builder. The Vocabulary Builder f …
coolvocab is a vocabulary trainer, which helps (hard working) students to keep in mind their foreign vocabulary, and be ready for their examinations.c …
PONS.eu Vocabulary Trainer– the Vocabulary Trainer App that remembers the words you’ve looked up!At last you can integrate the words you’ve looked up …
Just imagine you go out to a pub with a German-speaking friend and you want to talk about different jobs. Thanks to our six-pack "Vocab Enhancer 2", y …