**This is a Plug-in for Locale**Generate a notification in status bar Features that you can customize: - title and notification text- play sound (from …
A plug-in for the popular Locale app that allows you to configure a taskbar notification, which will remain until tapped on or cleared.Requires Locale …
Minecraft videos from youtube, This guide is intended for those who are not familiar with Minecraft. It describes how to play and survive Tips & Trick …
1001 Kumpulan Doa- Doa dalam IslamAplikasi Android yang menyediakan kumpulan doa dan dzikir bagi umat beragama Islam untuk berbagai keperluan, termasu …
HAL9000 Chatbot* Say "tell me a joke"* Voice recognition chatbot* Artificial Intelligence* Robot responds using default TTS Engine* Say "Learn ..." to …