Want to prank your friends? Strangers? Want to get the shutter sound effect in cameras without actually using any camera apps? Well get this free soun …
AVISO: MetroValencia y CITMA te siguen regalando 2 viajes en tu primera compra con Mobilis NFC. Infórmate en la página web de tu operador de transport …
Store on local (or online) database any type of custom logs/actions using NFC actions!Badge NFC for Android is a new application that allow you to man …
NFC Rolodex is an application used to swap virtual business cards with one another. Demonstrating the use of NFC technology you can enter in informati …
Quer controlar sua jornada de trabalho diaria ? Esse app foi desenvolvido para o seu controle da jornada de trabalho, marcando ponto de entrada, almoç …
Is your android device NFC capable? Use NFC Tagger to automate switching of the entire mobile device related settings with just a swipe of your mobile …
可用RFID (IC卡) 記錄你的手機/平板設定只要手機/平板有NFC功能先按一下左下角"WIFI"圖案按鈕到"設定"然後把RFID卡移近NFC就會彈出設定畫面然後可設定手機/平板可設定: Wifi, Time, Data Network, GPS, Bluetooth, Brightness, S …
خلفية علم فلسطين هي خلفية حية (متحركة) لعلم فلسطين. العلم ثلاثي الابعاد بشكل كامل بتقنية openGL. يمكنك الاختيار من ضمن العديد من صور المدن الفلسطينية …