-Hamburgs türkische Community für die Hosentasche-"GECEKUSU" die türkische App für Hamburg und Umgebung! Event-TippsRestaurantsBarsCafesPartybilderVid …
O myFreeBréchic é um brechó na palma da mão. Enjoou? Não serve mais? Quer trocar por outra mais nova? Vai viajar e tem oportunidade de comprar tudo no …
Laps is an application that gives you the same functionality of an expensive sport watch on your Android phone. It keeps track of time with the precis …
Das Musikhaus Markstein wurde 1990, also gleich nach der Wende, aus dem "Nichts" aufgebaut. Gründer und Geschäftsführer ist Heinz-Dieter Markstein.Uns …
Application for universal access to lectures and presentations by visualisation of synchronous transcript of spoken language (speech-to-text reporting …
The Mississippi Annual Conference is part of The United Methodist Church. With more than 12 million members worldwide, The United Methodist Church is …