Simple GPS toggle widget(1x1).Allows you On/Off your GPS state with only 1 click instead of 4.To add widget press: Home->Menu->Add->Widgets->GPS OnOff …
Signal generator creates Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth and Square audio frequencies between 1Hz and 20kHz. Other features:- Generate a maximum of 100 signa …
Use your GWInstek USB signal generator with your Android smartphone or tablet.REQUIREMENTS:- GWInstek USB signal generator series- Device runs Android …
The Crescendo Systems function generator can be used to generate sine, triangle, square and non repeating noise signals. Additionally these carrier si …
Free Signal / Tone / Frequency Generator Features * Multiple waveforms * Smooth amplitude and frequency control * Background operation Waveforms * Sin …
The Crescendo Systems Arbitrary signal generator ArbGen is a continuation of the free app FuncGen and can be used to generate sine, triangle, square, …