Name calling at its finest!Can’t find that PERFECT name to call that #@@hole sitting next to you in class? That guy in the cubicle next to you with th …
Are you searching for a job? Write Your Resume The Easy Way! Just fill in the blanks to create your resume and Save as Word file or PDF document. Resu …
With APK Creator, you can easily create your own android apps (we call it APK before installation) without any coding.It can create 3 types of APK: Li …
Simple app that lets you create a slideshow using the photos on your phone :)Free & No adsFeatures:# Slideshow images in folder & subfolders# Slidesho …
Make unique creations from text, graphics, pictures and your camera and post them to the world via social networks.Supports large picture sizes, from …
Ever wish the Picture frame widget could do more? The Slideshow widget does!The Slideshow Widget places your photos in a frame on the home screen, sho …
SlidePhoto Widget is your perfect home photo animation slideshow widget.It downloads interesting photos on flickr and picasa, display them randomly an …
Slideshow 365 is a simple and easy way to create video slideshows with music and a variety of effects instantly from your phone and share them via Fac …