Mit der Webapp der sind Sie über alles aus Bremen, Niedersachsen, Deutschland und dem Rest der Welt auf dem Laufenden. Und das kostenl …
NIHSS是美國國衛院所建立對於腦中風病患整體嚴重度的客觀評估標準,可用於篩選適合施打rt-PA之病患,太嚴重(超過26分)及太輕微(不足4分)之病患都不適合施打。此中風量表是在1980年代,為缺血性腦中風治療之臨床研究計畫, 所設計出來的一個標準化神經學檢查量表(Goldstein LB, et …
* Over 50 Million users liked InstaMag. * Over 300 elegantly designed themes in Magazine Style. * Over 10,000+ possible layouts in Modern Style. Creat …
With a finger scroll and 2 taps, you can match the beat with your feet to awesome, quality indie music. We find the tunes, calculate the tempos in bea …
GlowTunes is a one of a kind application that combines light and sound to create stunning works of art.The concept is simple: select the instrument of …
Listen to clear, uninterrupted carnatic music 24x 7 while at home or office, work or leisure. Ctunesfm is a 24 x 7 online radio streaming, powered by … is part of the WDWNT network. WDWNTunes streams Disney Parks music and original programs throughout the day.Features:- Listen to Disney …