This application displays free wi-fi spots in Japan. There are many wi-fi services in Japan, but many foreiners cannot know the services. When you tra …
This is a simple app aimed at android phones that displays which wifi access spot you are connected to (if any). Clicking on the notification message …
Whether on a trip or just out and about in town you can find free WiFi just about anywhere. Free WiFi let you unlock the world with unlimited internet …
APPLICATION FOR SMART ROBOTTo run this application, Smart Robot Launcher should be first installed.Remote access for developers~Run robot contents by …
*About this app*Are you interested in Japan map?This is a very simple app to learn location and name of Japan prefectures.Though the screen shots show …
More than 25 most popular Japanese Newspapers in the app with weather updates of local and world. The app can save the pages for offline reading. Asah …
La manera más fácil de encontrar redes wifi abiertas cerca de tí, conéctate a las redes para ahorrar datos en tu móvil y aumentar la velocidad de la c …
free wifiThis way you can save your data usage and easily hop over free WiFi network. The app respect your choice and will not change the network if t …
Access free internet anywhere using Wi-Fi hotspots with Free Wifi.Automatically discover which free Wi-Fi hotspots really work.Use passwords shared by …