★★★ Coming UP! Alarms and SMS alerts based on your location ★★★Set of tools based on Geolocation for your safe!Coming UP! Allows you to create SMS ale …
Nerts is a multi-player card game similar to Spit/Speed & Klondike Solitaire. Play against two challenging AI opponents.Gameplay is turn-based giving …
The yahrzeit is the anniversary of the death of a loved one. It is traditional for the name to be read at your house of worship and to light a 24 hour …
Calcscript is an advanced RPN calculator that uses simple programming language based on Golfscript.Calcscript is designed with the purpose of executin …
Basta de aplicaciones de radares difíciles de configurar! Tan solo instalar la aplicación dispondrás de todos los radares fijos, móviles, de semáforo, …
41 First Alert is proud to announce a full featured weather app for Android.Features• Highly responsive interactive map optimized for 3G and WiFi perf …
Writing.Com presents "Writing Prompts", the Android app with an endless supply of creative inspiration! Our prompt generators use scene elements, word …
Mit dieser App ist man in der Lage, die vom Android System gesendeten Log-Ausschriften (sog. Logcat) einzusehen. Somit ist es möglich, ohne eine beste …