Any muslim wants to be sure the products he buys are strictly halal or not. Reading contents may not be enough, because of the food addictives (E124, …
Search the WWW quickly with different search engines and services.Features:- Keeps a history list of your searches- Orders the engines automatically b …
The latest information on new line releases through to the largest range of second hand and private vehicles for sale. If your core business involves …
Just Swipe according to the arrows appearing. Sounds easy? Give it a try and find out if you can match the increasing game speed.Game Features:======= …
Just Shoot! is a fast-paced action game, that sets you in the middle of a full-blown saloon shootout - and you need to show everyone that they shouldn …
Хорошая новость для любителей дополненной реальности! Вышло приложение reVISOR AR (AR - augmented reality прим.). Теперь дополненная реальность - у Ва …