** 50% discount for a limited time **Arazzle is a fun puzzle game that will teach your children Arabic in an entertaining and addictive way. It has be …
Dette er en helt enkel kalkulator der du taster inn lengde(cm) og vekt(g) i hver sin boks. Appen regner så ut k-faktoren. Det ligger en forklaringstab …
This is an App about Anger Management. Just remember, when you shout to someone, you create a distance...even harder for him/her to hear you...Everyth …
This is a free UK weather app which provide both image and voice forecast.Most mobile phones support TTS function. If your smart phone is an old model …
Stencil Weather brings a clean and unique UI with beautiful icons and widget.Stencil Weather is the most beautiful app there is in the market.Stencil …
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