Une des seules applications rentables, et ça dès le premier jour !!!PF Pronostics vous permettra de suivre au quotidien tous nos pronostics sportifs, …
Simply the Best app to manage battles in PF RPG, the fantasy RPG by Paizo Publishing.Contains details sheet of 987 monsters, from the Bestiary 1, 2, 3 …
Robot Battery Widget indicates the battery charge level of your device.Battery is a small, sleek and elegant app that will help you follow the current …
Have fun with wallpapers that evolve with your current battery level!Available themes: - Smiley - Speedometer - Defcon - Sunset - Dog ...and more to c …
Battery Overlay ist ein nützliches kleines Widget, das dir jederzeit deinen aktuellen Akkustand anzeigt.Die Batterieanzeige legt sich über die gestart …
This is a small app which places a notification in your statusbar which shows you the actual battery percentage and other usefull infos about your bat …