legend of the guardians網站相關資料
legend of the guardians網站相關資料
Legends of the plane
飞机传奇(Legends of the plane)是一款表现极出色的动作游戏, 游戏者扮演的是一名美国机师, 驾驶美国战机, 分别可选择炸弹, 火箭或鱼雷, 从己方的航空母舰起飞, 接下来便要分别攻击日本的地上目标及各类型战舰, 除此之外, 还要和日本的战机进行空战. 电脑扮演的日本, 也不是坐着 …
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Legend of the Pickle
Legend of the Lost Pickle is a traditional RPG story set in the mythical village of Choeville. You are Erean, a young boy with a dream of discovering …
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Sun Seeker
Sun Seeker provides a FLAT VIEW COMPASS and an AUGMENTED REALITY CAMERA 3-D VIEW showing the solar path, its hour intervals, its winter and summer sol …
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