Impress is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations. Does linear or non-linear presentations with the included Present …
Aplikasi Tutorial LibreOffice Calc ini merupakan Modul-5 dari 11 Modul tentang tutorial LibreOffice. Tutorial ini dilengkapi gambar dan berbahasa Indo …
Base is a full-featured desktop database front end, designed to meet the needs of a broad array of users, for all kinds of usages, such as keeping tra …
Want to learn LibreOffice ? This tutorials for novices users alike.LibreOffice Tutorial available on :LibreOffice WriterLibreOffice CalcLibreOffice Im …
Draw lets you produce anything from a quick sketch to a complex plan, and gives you the means to communicate with graphics and diagrams. With a maximu …
Para ayudarle a comenzar con LibreOffice, aquí tiene el libro "Primeros pasos con LibreOffice", completamente en español.LibreOffice es una suite ofim …