《金属终结者(Die For Metal Again)》是一款Limbo风格的冒险游戏,讲述了一个为音乐而死的摇滚乐手在地狱中冒险的故事。游戏操作简单,通过虚拟按键控制主角移动或跳跃。游戏拥有风格迥异的3大世界,多达45个关卡和三个BOSS。还等什么呢,一起来Rocking Roll吧!免費玩金属终 …
A classic hex and counter wargame, simulating the 1940 campaign in the West - the famous Fall of France, along with Belgium and Holland.The game is bi …
The battle of Gettysburg was fought over 3 days from July 1st-3rd 1863. It is considered the turning point of the American civil war, showing that the …