Take any picture with text and Camera Reader will read it back to you.Camera Reader will automatically recognize (ocr) any text in the photo and will …
Can you press the shutter when you catch a glimpse of the lightning? As an enthusiast of photography, your goal is to take a beautiful photo of the li …
Take any picture with text and Camera Reader will read it back to you.Camera Reader will automatically recognize (ocr) any text in the photo and will …
Create stylish cards from your gallery or take photos from your existing camera apps with this card maker app. Feature dozens of filters and frames to …
The original Android Lightning distance calculator. Press the top button when you see the flash, press the bottom one when you hear the thunder. The d …
Enligt Sverigedemokraternas riksdagsledamot Margareta Sandstedt från Gävle skulle EU:s nya strategi för elmarknaden kosta svenska folket 40 000 000 00 …
Under riksmötets öppnande 2010 stormade Sverigedemokraternas riksdagsgrupp ut ur kyrkan när biskop Eva Brunne talade om mänskliga rättigheter och alla …