This app have got two parts:1 Table of Linux basic commands2 A Linux emulator online.Better for tablets or devices with good processor.Please be patie …
LinxU连客速透过肉眼看不见的电子水印科技把水印嵌进图像和声音中。贵客只要利用手机应用程式扫一扫图像或声音,就可以迅速体验有趣的网上内容!使用方法1)按「Press to Start」开启LinxU连客速的相机2)用镜头对著目标影像,保持20CM距离和水平3)当目标影像成功被辨识,网上内容就会显示 …
Is it the time to master Linux interview questions and answers. Here we present you the whole collection all at once. This is exactly what you need, a …
escription: The Linux Monitoring application concentrates several resource information about your remote Linux server (or client) in one window. You c …
Entre las aplicaciones para aprender o practicar Los comandos para GNU/Linux una lista de comandos accesibles en tu mano. * Sin la menor duda, la mejo …
Porteus is a complete Linux operating system that is optimized to run from CD, USB flash drive, hard drive, or other bootable storage media.- explore …
Esta app es un juego de habilidad mental. En la pantalla aparecen 9 iconos distintos, cada uno con el logo de alguna distribución de linux. Un icono p …