Live Puzzle!,大受孩子们欢迎的动画拼图游戏,现在迎来了一个新的主题——非洲动物!有了这个教育游戏,你的孩子将会通过十种不同的语言,发现并学习来自非洲大草原和丛林的十二种动物。 Live Puzzle!适合于学步儿童、学前儿童、大孩子,而且游戏提供了难度选项,甚至成年人也会喜欢这个游戏的! …
The Justinmind app is a prototype viewer for Justinmind prototypes that can work offline. Prototypes are imported from your Justinmind account and vie …
Turns out the ancient islanders also practiced the art of surfing!Ride the waves of the seven points located in the ancient world! Catch waves and do …