A score pad for straight dominoes. Add players from contacts or manually enter them in. Scores are displayed as simple totals as well as using houses. …
Play a game of Yahtzee with up to six columns at the same time. The first column counts one time and the sixth counts six times.HOW TO PLAY THE GAMEJu …
ARCHERY SCORE SHEETSSay goodbye to paper-based archery score sheets!This app is designed to replace FITA and GNAS paper-based target, clout, matchplay …
This app is an app that manages to register the data of bowling score.You can register your score easily by simply selecting the pins knocked down.You …
The perfect companion app for avid players of the boardgame "7 Wonders." Easily score all your matches with helpful features like auto-calculate scien …
최고의 버스 어플이 왔습니다. 그 이름은 바로바로 제주버스 스마트!!!제주버스 스마트는 기존 버스어플들의 아쉬웠던 부분을 제공합니다.성능 좋은 휴대폰을 최대한 활용하셔야죠?제주버스 스마트는 최신 라이브러리를 적용하여 각종 신기능을 제공하고, 안정성을 확보하였습니다.제주 …
Esta aplicación presenta a los usuarios el cementerio de Bilbao a la vez que les propone la realización de una visita a su contenido patrimonial desde …
KulturMapp is a touristic guide of the heritage of the Basque Country. It gives you information about culture, heritage and tourism, adapted to mobile …