An illustration is the interpretation in a form of sketch, painting, photograph, computer generated imagery or any other art work, which is created to …
Để bắt đầu bạn sẽ khởi động Photoshop và huỷ bỏ những thiết lập mặc định. Thường thì bạn không tự mình huỷ bỏ những giá trị mặc định. Tuy nhiên, khi b …
Want to make your photos more beautiful... ??? Then check out this app to apply Bokeh Effects to your photos. You can mix general photo effects with B …
Bokeh Effects♥♥♥♥ Best Filter experience is now here and only for you by our Bokeh Effects. ♥♥♥♥The best ever high definition Filters effects here for …
The guide to effective supervision and appraisal app provides practical guidance and ideas on how to carry out effective supervision and appraisal of …
Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the newest in the Adobe Illustrator line. The previous version offered many great features but what does the CS5 bring to th …
Flicky Tap est un jeu qui fait appel à votre rapidité, votre dextérité et votre endurance. Evitez de taper sur les mauvaises cases. Mettez votre habil …
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