NOTE: use the SWIPE-TO-DELETE gesture to delete functions, equations, variables- NEW: statistics (gaussian test, t test, binominal and normal distribu …
Mathematics , math and geometry animations and aplied formulas. Menelaus theorem The Pythagorean theorem Hyperbola and ellipse Regions and the signs o …
Wide variety of math problems:Plotting 2D and 3D graphsDerivative and integral calculatorRadixFractalsPolynomialsQuadratic equations solvingProgressio …
Metti alla prova la tua abilità matematica! Mathematics è un gioco di logica matematica coinvolgente simile ai classici cruciverba. E’ costituito da u …
صور رياضية هو تطبيق يضم العديد من احدث واجمل صور رياضية المطروحة في عالم الشبكة العنكبوتية يتيح لك من خلالة حفظ الصور او تعيينها كخلفية للجوال او للوت …
Die ist die Ergänzung zur Internetseite, der Lernplattform für das Mathe-Abi, das Mathematik-Abitur. Mit der App k …
For easy understanding of mathematical term with description is properly given in this dictionary.It increase your knowledge regarding understanding o …
Mathabolics is a fun brain teasing card game. The goal is to solve math riddles in the shortest amount of time possible and challenge your friends to …
This application is all about teaching the child at their own pace. The application is based on the idea that children work better on their own, and k …