※ This document has been translated using Google.Flash app is simple mental arithmetic. Plus the numbers will be displayed one after the other on the …
Mental Run is about a patriot rebel who is deemed to be a mental patient escaped from the hospital to join the freedom league, an ambulance is chasing …
Mental Helse er en sosialpolitisk interesseorganisasjon som jobber for at alle skal ha en best mulig psykisk helse. Vår visjon er at alle mennesker sk …
With this program you can train your abilities mental calculations. You can select one or more mathematical operations, for test cases. Supported by a …
Up and coming artist out of San Diego. Its Mental is working on his 4th album. He is hoping to release before ens of the year. Check out some of his m …
Welcome to the Mental Edge App. Mental Edge is a mentoring and coaching service that enables athletes, business people and individuals to over come me …
This program generates questions, marks them and provide a final score and log file for review.Students need to provide as many as possible correct an …
You've got 60 seconds to answer as many questions as you can. Go! Mental arithmetic at its best, choose your arithmetic operation and your level. Get …
"Mental Arithmetic" combines both fun, logical reasoning and challenging brain jogging, offering an entertaining game experience. The player starts of …
There are two main modes (Singleplayer and Multiplayer)In singleplayer mode you can improve your mental arithmetic skill and compare your skill with o …