microsd 記憶卡價格 8g網站相關資料
microsd 記憶卡價格 8g網站相關資料
Decision Maker by Go Wild
This unique tool will take every decision for you. Just think of the question or decision you have to make, press your finger on the screen, and the D …
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Isabelle du Toit
Isabelle du Toit is an internationally recognized, representational contemporary fine artist. She uses realism to start a conversation on mankind's en …
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FunDog ~ Reading Thinking Word Analogies
FunDog is an educational analogy game that helps children practice common sight words and high frequency words while developing their critical thinkin …
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The Writing Machine
The road to literacy is based on a foundation that starts with the development of very specific concepts related to language, print awareness and reco …
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IdeoCal 農曆萬年曆進階版
農曆、節氣、黃曆、新舊曆節日、農曆日期提醒、日月食資訊,都在你的口袋裡!** 台灣付費榜第三名 ** 現在支援 iPhone 5 螢幕! **IdeoCal 是一個支援傳統農曆的萬年曆,除了西曆之外,它能顯示農曆日期、農曆節日、生肖、月相、干支紀年、干支紀月、干支紀日、廿四節氣,此版本(進階版)還提 …
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