Limited time price drop! Normally $9.99, now ONLY $0.99!PLEASE TRY the fully functional Trial version that allows up to 10 scans so you can test if yo …
The PDF Scanner app scan the PDF file and scan the text from it. User can change the text scanned from PDF file and save it as a text file or send it …
The scanner can recognize the bar code information and search for it on the Internet. You can also save the decoded information and look for it later. …
This is a paid version of our application Cuterobo Scanner which includes PDF conversion and PDF file sharing via e-mail.Cuterobo Scanner is a camera- …
Yes! With this application you can Generate and Read any type of QR/BAR Codes.Install Application and generate your own QR codes (with private/funny m …
예배를 통하여 하나님의 꿈을 회복하게 하고 무너진 교회를 세우며 이 땅의 젊은이들을 세우는 청소년 문화선교단체+keyword청소년선교회, 문화사역, 고영남, 청소년캠프, 리턴집회 PJM, Return, Worship, Camp, Praise----개발자 연락처 :02- …
Now, you can order delivery or takeout from your choice of restaurants in Doha City, state of qatar. The Krom Restaurants App makes ordering food easy …