TFCloud is a P2P way to view IPC and DVR,Plug and Play from all over the world! Using the device UID to get the connecting info from the server, you c …
BrilCloud storage is a model of networked online storage where data is stored on virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third part …
GEMCloud (Green Energy Mobile Cloud) is a platform that utilizes distributed mobile devices to cooperatively accomplish large parallelizable computati …
With the mobile cashcloud eWallet app, you will be able to use your phone as your wallet. Make all your money transfer in real-time without any fee in …
TiveCloud is a cloud-based video monitoring service that makes it easy to stay connected with places, people and pets. TiveCloud allows you to connect …
I perfidi whats stanno provando a conquistare il mondo e portare scompiglio nelle pacifiche terre di Evil Cloud!Usa la tua nuvola per colpirli coi ful …
tubCloud, die ownCloud Installation der Technische Universität Berlin synchronisiert persönliche Daten wie Dateien, Musik und Fotos auf mehreren Endge …