Did you ever think if you could keep record of your entire call history from the beginning of time? Or at least from the day when you started to use a …
All-in-one score keeping app for various games and Facebook posting for game score story.Board games benefit from specific scoring modules (e.g. Ticke …
Beeper (Člnkový beh) je diagnostická pomôcka na určenie maximálnej spotreby kyslíka VO2 max. Aplikácia umožňuje sledovanie paramtrov behu ako i jednot …
This app can help you track score of any kind of game.you can use the single mode, where you can use your device as an score keeper for one team. This …
This app can change the following states each. - always turn on screen - cancel key guard lockYou can see at a glance the status bar icon state of eac …
Money Keeper – small utility which will help to prevent the unpleasant surprise for the buyer on cash desk.With Money Keeper You will always know for …
Balance Keeper is an educational tool that helps children practice addition, subtraction, logical thinking, and basic algebra. The purpose of the game …
WebMoney Keeper Mobile – простое и удобное мобильное приложение для управления кошельками WebMoney. Установите WebMoney Keeper Mobile на Ваше мобильно …