إن حركات الجسد تدل على الانفعالات النفسية للانسان فتعبر عن شعورة و تكشف اسرارة في هذا الكتاب نعرض لبعض هذه الحركات اللااردية و معنى هذه الحركات لتصبح …
An introduction to anatomy and kinesiology for beginners. This app provides an overview of key terms, muscles and joints to enable the user to underta …
MoveToSD - helps you fast and easy find movable apps and move them to SD Card to free some space on your phone!It have two screens:- Internal: apps on …
** MOVE-ME ONLY WORKS IN OPORTO CITY **MOVE-ME is a prototype of an application that allows mobile access to global and diversified information about …
Tenha todos os horários de ônibus de Blumenau, Gaspar, Florianópolis e Biguaçu no seu celular gratuitamente! Consulte por código ou nome da linha; adi …
The OFFICIAL Mobile App for Truth About Tupac! Get the latest updates Tupac with our newsfeed integration from Google, Facebook, and Twitter, all in 1 …
Aquí podrás encontrar los puntos más importantes de cada ciudad de México Gracias a move el turismo ha incrementado considerablemente y ahora con nues …
Movement Detection is an add-on app for Tasker or Locale, which lets you detect various types of motion, such as driving in a car, riding a bicycle, o …
Movement Detector application (Application made using App Inventor which graphical block diagrams)-Please phone on surface, click calibrate, then move …