*** Schnupper-App: Sieh dir die 1. Episode und Zusatz-Content kostenfrei an, jede weitere Episode kostet 1,79 €. *** Oder hol dir den Season Pass zum …
This fun new app features a whole bunch of games to give you entertainment while you are getting drunk. **Note these are not actual video games. These …
Drink Schedule is the App for Android Phones which allows you to determine your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in permille and percent.You can chec …
Brasil Drinks é um aplicativo que pode ajudar você a fazer sucesso nas festas com seus amigos e familiares. Ele traz uma série de receitas de drinks p …
Prvá aplikácia na posielanie drinkov, s ktorou ti neujde žiadna párty.Čo všetko si môžeš užiť s Drink Invite? - posielanie drinkov na diaľku - získava …
If you can read this, you can play this game! DrinkIt! is a must have party game! Having fun with friends has never been so easy. Flip a card, do as i …
For consumers of legal age, Drizly is like having a liquor store on their iPhone. With the largest retail delivery network in the US, Drizly is the fa …
This app provides real time and breaking news on the global Food and Beverage industry from primary news sources around the world such as Reuters, Blo …