하나님 나라를 꿈꾸는 훼드럴웨이 선교교회!존재목적: 우리교회는 마태복음 22장 37-40절과 28장 18-22절의 예수님의 말씀에 근거하여 5가지의 존재 목적을 가집니다. 1. 마음과 뜻과 목숨을 다해서 주 하나님을 사랑하는 것입니다.2. 이웃을 자신의 몸처럼 사랑하는 …
Flash Light simplifies switching flash on/off in easy way.Buttons provided at bottom to easily switch using thumb.Light weight- Small size application …
Discover things you see in an image.Locate everything you want.PICC THE IMAGES YOU LOVE:Take a photo, upload an image from your photo library or brows …
A large type widget that tells time the way a person would - in plain English words. 12:29 AM is "half past midnight," 1:47 is "quarter of 2."(long-pr …
A live wallpaper that shows your photos the same way Living Music Wallpaper shows Album Art. Still in alpha/beta, images are a stretched.Wont work on …
TabSQL allows you to execute SQL queries on Postgres databases whilst on the move.The Lite edition only allows SELECT statements to be run. The full v …
Google phone TV / 구글폰티비Lite and Google phone Radio / 구글폰라디오 brings Korean / 한글 TV and Radio stations to your phone on WIFI and 3G Networks. Lite versi …
If you know the kWh/year, often referred to household appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, dishwashers, etc.) sold in stores, use the …
Die App der ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management (LSFM) beantwortet Ihre Fragen rund um Studium und Campus in Wädenswil:- Menüplan: Was tischt d …