Learn multiplication table in a weekShort description for a busy person:Any child is nearly guaranteed to learn multiplication table in a week using t …
Simple free app for children of age 7/8 to practice the multiplication tables and other simple math.During a configurable amount of time, answer the m …
By defeating the enemy with a sword, this is a game app that can be used to learn the multiplication.From among the three answers, because only answer …
Drop the candies in a column of your choice. You win if the product vertically or horizontally is the bottom-left number.免費玩Candy Multiplication APP玩免 …
Mult Mem! is a fun way to memorize the 1 through 12 multiplication tables. There are three learning activities and two games!If you are new to the tab …
De gefeliciTAART.nl verjaardagskalender App bewaart alle verjaardagen van je vrienden. Vlak voor zijn/haar verjaardag brengt de App je automatisch op …
Trouble with simple multiplications? Or trying to learn the tables of multiplication? This tool will help you. It will learn you the tables up to 20.免 …