红外万能遥控器您的手机变成一个真正的通用遥控器。此应用程序允许您使用内置的红外线发射手机的控制红外设备,如电视,有线电视盒,收音机,DVD ,录像机,录像机,数码单反相机,蓝光, CD ,音响,冷气( A / C) ,放大器,卫星,通过红外, AV接收器和更多的网络摄像机。三星的手机或平板电脑内置的 …
InstaSize includes all the tools and frames you need, in a super intuitive interface so you can get right to editing. Features: * Multiple photo frame …
BitHydraulics calculates detailed hydraulics for oil well drilling bit including jet impact force, jet velocity, horse power, pressure drop. The user …
Turning the Hard-to-Learn Parts of the Common Core into Serious Fun. We know where students get stuck and the ways to get them going. Four games cover …