BoBoiBoy is a Malaysian animated series produced by Animonsta Studios, centers on a boy who has superpowers and the ability to separate into three. Wi …
Launches JogAmp Activities while daisy chaining GlueGen, JOGL, .. and the users APK.The following APKs must be installed to complete a JogAmp installa …
This app is just an icon that launches the Windows Live site.Makes it easy to get to the Windows Live not affiliated with Window …
Monitor missed calls, the screen display when the state had missed, voice tells you that there was a missed call to the user by vibration.Notification …
Application to monitor for new mail at regular intervals. Account information can be registered up to 5. Also, because it corresponds to POP3/POP3S, y …
The switching type app launcher page. Seven applications in one column, you can register your phone number, or you can register up to three pages. Swi …