OnePunch Notes requires new permission READ_PHONE_STATE to read phone state from this new update.We use this permission not to display alarm(reminder) …
Manage your notes on your smartphone or tablet and synchronize it directly with OpenERP.You can now create some notes on your way, and continue to use …
DashClock Notes let you take notes that will be shown right in your lockscreen. You give the note a title, write everything you want (in 240 character …
By summarized as a table of contents, You can reduce the time and effort to find a note.Features of this app is that it is possible to insert a back l …
When you write notes, memos, e-mail, information, shopping lists, to-do list, it can give you a quick and simple notepad editing experience.You can se …
Take and organize notes for work and leisure in an easy, modern way with Note Cubby. This app allows you to focus on content with simple text editing, …
★★★총무노트 최고, 최신버전각종 모임의 회비관리, 빠르고 쉽고 가볍게 !!!♬개별 회비납부체크, 미납체크, 결산, 납부없는달 지정 가능메모, 단체문자등 편리한 기능 제공 (* 풀 샘플데이타로 미리 보세요 [유료 구독 결재] 후 전체기능 사용가능 )___________ …