Der Ring-Rechner dient als Hilfsmittel für Sportschützen zur einfachen und schnellen Berechnung der Anzahl der erzielten Ringe auf einer Zielscheibe.D …
This is a strategic game. The numbers cycle 0 through 3. With each tap of a number, it subtracts one from it and all the numbers touching it in a cros …
Deze App helpt jou tijdens het shoppen in Wijnegem Shopping Center maar kan ook vooraf gebruikt worden om je shopping trip uit te stippelen. Zoek op w …
This app will introduce to users on several applications that can be developed with Adobe Flash CS3. This includes creating main menu for websites or …
AnimationFlash is an app that will introduce users on several topics including types of symbols in Flash and techniques in creating animation using Ad …
Draw Flash or Drawing in Flash is a mobile learning apps that will introduce to multimedia developers especially students on several topics about Adob …