4 Qul, an easy to use application, is being provided to you to get the blessings of Allah Almighty by reciting on your devices and learning by heart. …
Four independent timers.Four independent triggers that can trigger another timer or itself.Four different selectable ringtones with vibrate.Up or down …
SMSBanking støtter de mest brukte SMS tjenestene.Banker som er støttet til nå:- Skandiabanken- Sparebank 1- DNB (og da Postbanken)- Gjensidige- Terra …
4 Views gives you 4 ways to see the image from your camera.Choose what you want just touching the screen and take your pictures touching the botton.On …
CWR, (Carpfishing Webcarp, la Revista) es la primera revista especializada en el carpfishing publicada en España. Webcarp es la web líder en la pesca …
《RTHK Prime》是香港電台新媒體拓展組製作的平板電腦應用程式,用戶可於 Google Play 免費下載及安裝於Android Tablet內,並按喜好從內容清單中選取喜愛的內容頻道,隨時隨地透過 Wi-Fi或3G網絡瀏覽、收看。《RTHK Prime》精選香港電台內容,以全新排版及瀏覽方式 …
Prime Number Generator AppPrime numbers are one of the mathematical wonders with many people trying to understand their patterns and significance. Usi …