Combine the tiles (candy) with same value!Goal when you combine 2 tiles (candy) have same value. Example: (2+3) and (4+1), (9+8) and (17)...You can se …
Control space shipAvoid comet.Gather heart.1 touch : smallest acceleration.2 touches : small acceleration.More touches, more acceleration.Feel Newton& …
Express English is good application containing chapters for learning English Grammar for Arabs, it teaches English Grammar perfectly in Arabic.The app …
This book is from LP’s ocean of knowledge. In this series various ebooks, workbooks and interactive video books are there in the subjects maths, scien …
Samia Express dialer is a mobile app for Android. The Samia Express dialer helps users make international calls easier from an Android phone. The appl …
RSM Outlook was initiated in 2009 to enhance communication between the school and its friends. The magazine has since become one of the best ways to k …
¿Sin nada que hacer?. Entérate de los mejores eventos en Colombia y planes en tu ciudad con Hay EventoPodrás encontrar todo tipo de eventos en tu ciud …
Si estas publicando eventos en descarga HayEvento Lector que es la utilidad que te permite verificar las entradas de tu eventos ya sea d …