Join Mr. Panda in his new restaurant!Control Mr. Panda while he manages his first restaurant! Start from a small restaurant and watch it escalate into …
Help Panda with his new sushi restaurant! Give customers a table and take their orders. Conquer all of Japan with your success by opening new sushi r …
Join Mr. Panda in his new restaurant! Control Mr. Panda while he manages his new restaurant! Start from a small restaurant and watch it escalate into …
Panda Chinese Restaurant is located in the beautiful city of Anchorage, Alaska. Our Panda Chinese Restaurant has been dedicated to offering the most m …
讓您的孩子也體會下照顧寶寶的辛苦和樂趣吧! ✔ Dr. Panda 幼稚園在瑞士和奧地利的蘋果官方應用商店的教育類遊戲排名第一! 來自國外多家著名親子網站的測評推薦: ★★★★★ TOP Pick ON SMARTAPPSFORKIDS.COM! “A creative role-playing g …
熊猫博士,来教我吧!我想要学习关于数字、颜色、图形和可爱的小动物们的一切! Dr. Panda双语宝宝课堂是一款针对2至5岁学前儿童设计的互动教育应用。诙谐风趣的动画, 栩栩如生的音效和引人入胜的10款寓教于乐的迷你早教游戏让您的孩子在轻松愉快的环境里受到各个方面及不同语言的学前教育。Dr.Pand …