If you are tired of lock screen, install this App to unlock your device.No longer display the lock screen on your device that is really relieving stre …
This is a game where you need unlock the door entering the correct key code, but is not a simple, you have to find the code by typing random numbers, …
aLocker is a locker mainly for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, it also support all devices under non-root mode. It support lock screen, reboot, shutdown for roo …
No ad, support design save for design:watch.This is unlocker, only unlocks function. Please install design:watch as needed.See description in design:w …
This is not a standalone app, and is only accessible via the free version of WearResponses. Once installed, a popup window will show in WearResponses …
This is the unlocker for the EasyBrowser app.When you install the unlocker it will unlock features and remove ads in the Free EasyBrowser app.⚝⚝ $$ UN …
Are you afraid to store too many Bitcoins on your mobile wallet?Don’t be! A must have app for any mobile Bitcoin wallet. B-Lock, together with an NFC …
Dock4Droid is the first Dock task manager for the Android platform. You can quickly access your running tasks from anywhere you currently are in your …
Ulocks PowerLine - smart line-indicators in your status bar. Battery, CPU, memory, signal, storage, SMS, missed calls and more...Better than a widget! …