Forgot your File/Message/App Lock password?This app will remove password for youAs the name implies, Password Recovery is a app for removing lost pass …
Bluetooth Low Energy is incredibly flexible; anyone can create a custom profile for specific applications and still adhere to the Bluetooth SIG.Blueto …
The BLE Tool is an application tool for developing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) accessories. The BLE Tool supports the following standard BLE profiles a …
Tools for brewing At the moment it only contains a calculator for determining the real gravity of the fermented brew while correcting for the alcohol …
Soccer junkie is a fun app that you discuss and vote on different soccer issues in, comment on various issues, read comments from others on various is …
Provoke To Purpose Ministries (P2P) is a ministry built on principles that exemplify, excellence, committment, efficiency and loyalty. With this P2P a …