Currency converter is a simple app that helps you convert from a currency to another. You can update the exchange rates everytime you want so you'll h …
有了 Google 文字轉語音引擎,應用程式便能清晰讀出螢幕上的文字;用途如下: • Google Play 圖書可「朗讀」您喜愛的書籍 • Google 翻譯可清晰讀出翻譯,讓您聽清楚字詞的發音 • TalkBack 和各種協助工具應用程式可在裝置上讀出語音回應 • 另外還適用於 Play 商店中 …
Play in English, French, German, Italian, translated into the language after being supported on the Play button is activated. In some models in order …
CurrencyConverter is a free application which can *Display daily currencies *Convert any currency type to other instantly *Save daily currency data to …
Take a picture from your phone camera and translate it directly to any language. Please take a picture of a black text on a white background, otherwis …
Take a picture from your phone camera and translate it directly to any language. The app will recognize the text from your picture and translate it au …