Camera Timestamp snaps quick and easy photos with the time stamp and the GPS coordinates embedded on the picture.Will now wait until GPS triangulates …
Do not have me when you want to record instantaneously the date and time right now?The time stamp app that at the moment when I thought when you leave …
Estampas para la devoción privada de los miembros del Opus Dei en proceso de canonización o ya canonizados.Estampas de:San Josemaría EscriváDon Álvaro …
Desk Accessory for Android.Easily insert a timestamp (local-native format).Requires Android 1.6 or higher (recommend 4.0 or higher) and Lesser Pad or …
TimeStamp is an application that allows you to own a second of history....or more than one....!Just write down your quote a nickname and some addition …