Set Sails and Load Your Cannons!PIRATES! are Everywhere!We need you to clear the ocean of these wild dogs!And prove yourself to be the #1 Pirate!A Gre …
Show your artillery power and sink the pirate ships before they reach your island. You must sink at least eight ships before you run out of ammunition …
Avast, me hearties! Become a Pirate and sail the high seas looking for treasure! Plunder for gold, fight other pirates and search for islands based on …
"Are you ready to take over the Bones “El Draque” and his nasty Pirates? Then it is time to raise the Jolly Roger and send those sea dogs to Davy Jone …
★"If you're looking for a respectable defense game that's challenging at times and looks great, then Pirate Legends TD is the game for you" Pocket Gam …
Blackbeard himself said Ahoy when he played Pirates Plunder Slots! Unlock the treasure chests and win up to 80 free games. All the while the Jolly Jac …