In Profile App you can set various locations, such as your home, school or place, where you work. For each location you can specify profiles, which sh …
App2 Facebook Twitter Linkedin which we call Social App is a great application help you access Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin in a convenient and safe wa …
HubBroker provides a mobile app for 24/7 controlling and monitoring of EDI activities. The purpose is to give customers(give managers) up-to-date info …
The PK Curve app is your pharmacokinetic resource for your Android device! Select the route of administration, number of compartments, and input profi …
Profile Widget is an app that helps you manage profiles for your phone. These profiles can handle:* Volume (ring, notification, alarm, system and mult …
Sound Profiles allows you to set your phone to ring/vibrate/silent automatically by the hour and day of the week. You may also choose to leave blank h …
'Profile Switcher!' app is simple and easy to use. This app controls three profiles. Create your own profiles for your required time duration. Feature …