The aim of the Buildings LCA application is to perform simplified Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) at the product level and at the building level, according …
MAKING PARENTING EASIER!The Portable Parenting App is like having a Parenting Coach at hand. It allows for parents, caretakers and teachers to have an …
When any user walks into the smart building, their cell phone will connect to Cisco’s routers, the system will detect and identify it then turn on the …
Hookah Portable is offering you a new product, a new idea, and a revolutionary advance in science that is destined tochange the way people hookah fore …
Buildings Puzzle is a math and logic puzzle. It is based on the sudoku. But you have to think in a 3D space.This game is also called Skyscraper Puzzle …
This free training app uses learning material taken from emerit’s Food and Beverage Manager online training. Based on National Occupational Standards, …
Step by step instructions on how to build a portable chicken coop. With over 100 pictures and illustrations. Also complete video links to watch the au …
You can watch Hatsune Miku singing and dancing to "WAVEFILE" on Android.Miku Model Credit: Lat Credit: Nora http:/ …
Questa applicazione Calcola la Password Di default del Wi-Fi di alcuni modem forniti da Fastweb e Telecom.Non Funziona con tutti i modelli e se la pas …