PowerSefer is an e-sefer reader and library designed for Android phones, with unlimited access to hundreds of classic seforim, beautifully reset in cr …
Powersaver widget has a smart algorithm that enables and disables the network when the screen is off. It decreases the battery consumption and also al …
MakeShift puts your shift schedule at your finger tips. Pick up extra shifts, let your manager know you’re available to work, request time off, trade …
A math puzzle game where the objective is to get to the target number without lifting your finger! Either add or subtract to see if you can get to the …
Mental Dictionary - словарь, облегчающий запоминание иностранных слов. Показывает схожие слова и их перевод, чем способствует появлению ассоциативных …
The problem it tries to solve is this: you have every intention of waking up for fajr, but you turn off your alarm mistakenly while half asleep. Next …
untuk update aplikasi dengan tampilan yang lebih bagus, bisa ditemukan dengan keyword "penghapus dosa" melalui fitur search di playstore..fitur aplika …