Note: There is now an alternative (very much preferred by me) to purchasing this app by donating via PayPal to me (go to Inste …
This app provides the neccessary instructions to generate a personal, life-time donation key which unlocks donation functions in Boeffla-Config V2.Ple …
Literacy Leveler™ makes it easy to level books in your collection and find books of an appropriate reading level.Supports the popular Lexile®, DRA (De …
Привыкли или хотите узнавать новости первым и быть в курсе предстоящих событий в то время, когда под рукой только мобильное устройство? Хотите быстро …
✉Special Promotion for Limited Time - 75% Off✉ For this Mother's day send a Postcard to your mom with your own picture decorated with your own words!M …
MagCloud is a web-service that empowers you to self-publish and distribute content, both for business and personal use, as a professional-quality prin …
✉Special Promotion for Limited Time - 75% Off✉ For this Mother's day send a Postcard to your mom with your own picture decorated with your own words!M …
Magzter, the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital magazine and book newsstand, introduces the MagCMS app exclusively for publishers usin …